Monday, July 2, 2012

Grocery Stores

Tiara Harvey

The second week of the Summer Service Partnership Program was very interesting. We went out into the community towards 75th and cottage and went into different stores looking at different products: juice, chips, fruits, vegetables, etc. We discovered that corner stores in the neighborhood do not carry healthy fruits and vegetables. We also figured out that it would not be a good idea to put fruits or vegetables into the store because no one would buy them. Many community members are not sure about fruits and vegetables at local stores because they are new.
However, on the same particular day we went into a health store to see different products: naked juice, weight loss system, water pills, etc that is used for different reasons. Many products that were displayed in the store have a lot of protein, vitimains, and nutrients. For that reason, on that day we learned that there are multiple resources in the community that will leave you physically and maybe even emotionally healthy if you are having problems with your external and internal appearance.

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